
[vu_title title=»Our latest bakery products» subtitle=»Check some of our best products and feel the great passion for food» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»]
[vu_title title=»Main services we provide» subtitle=»Our services are the best in town, we provide great quality baked products» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»]
[vu_service_item type=»image» image=»21″ image_alingment=»top» title=»Lots of Bread» description=»We bake and deliver fresh bread seven days a week to our cafes, farmers’ markets and grocery stores throughout the NY City.» add_link=»» class=»»]
[vu_service_item type=»image» image=»22″ image_alingment=»top» title=»Cakes» description=»We are dedicated to making cakes that are both moist and flavorful. All of our cakes are frosted and decorated with precision.» add_link=»» class=»»]
[vu_service_item type=»image» image=»23″ image_alingment=»top» title=»Cookies» description=»Our sumptuous sugar cookies are a labor of love. They are made from scratch using only the finest ingredients and extracts.» add_link=»» class=»»]
[vu_service_item type=»image» image=»25″ image_alingment=»top» title=»Muffins» description=»Our muffins can be decorated to suit any occasion. From birthdays to weddings, our muffins are the perfect single-serving confection.» add_link=»» class=»»]

Different types of bread products

You will find them only the best products in our stores

[vu_title title=»This week offers» subtitle=»We offer something different to local and foreign patrons
and ensure you enjoy a memorable food experience every time.» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»]


La palmera o palmerita es una especialidad francesa («Palmier» en francés). Es una pieza de bollería, de masa de hojaldre de unos dos a cuatro centímetros de grosor y con una peculiar forma acorazonada con los vértices deformados. Se suelen vender en tamaño grande y en tamaño pequeño en pastelerías o en supermercados. En este último caso se hacen llamar palmeritas.

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Moro de Habichuela Roja

Moro de Habichuela Roja – Carne Pollo – Ensalda de codito

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Pan Casero

Desde comienzos del siglo XXI, el 70% del pan que se consume en el mundo es de harina de trigo. La tendencia a consumir otros cereales ha disminuido. No obstante, en los años 1990 aparecen panaderías artesanales en Europa que van captando clientela enamorada por el «sabor clásico» del pan.

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[vu_service_item type=»icon» icon=»fa fa-birthday-cake» title=»RETINA READY ICONS» description=»I freely assert, that the cosmopolite philosopher cannot, for his life, point out one single peaceful influence, which within the last sixty years.» add_link=»» class=»m-t-70″][vu_service_item type=»icon» icon=»fa fa-clock-o» title=»RETINA READY ICONS» description=»I freely assert, that the cosmopolite philosopher cannot, for his life, point out one single peaceful influence, which within the last sixty years.» add_link=»» class=»m-t-30 m-b-30″][vu_service_item type=»icon» icon=»fa fa-refresh» title=»RETINA READY ICONS» description=»I freely assert, that the cosmopolite philosopher cannot, for his life, point out one single peaceful influence, which within the last sixty years.» add_link=»» class=»m-b-70″]
[vu_title title=»Staff» subtitle=»Main core of our company is our staff» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»]

Mikkie Rurk

Brandon Razer

David Jacob

Morgan Dutch

[vu_title title=»Blog Posts» subtitle=»Check our latest Blog Posts, what we are talking about» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»][vu_blog_posts type=»carousel» layout=»3″ navigation=»1″ show_author=»» class=»» query=»size:5|order_by:date»]
[vu_map_and_contact_form title=»Contact Us» subtitle=»Our Company is the best, meet the creative team that never sleeps. Say something to us we will answer to you.» name_placeholder=»Your name here» email_placeholder=»Your email here» show_phone=»1″ phone_placeholder=»Your phone here» message_placeholder=»Your message here» submit_value=»Send message» class=»»]
[vu_title title=»OUR TRUSTWORTHY CLIENTS» subtitle=»The companies that trust us are the main key to our succes, check out our top clients» style=»vu_overline» alignment=»center» class=»»]
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